Dear La Côte Church friends and family,

At our AGM this coming Sunday we will look back to give thanks and to evaluate before God our past year together. I encourage you to conduct a simple private “examen prayer” (a prayer of guided reflection), for our church. Our engaging AGM activities report might be a useful prompt.

Here is a guide for your reflection and prayers:

1. Give thanks for blessings shared, in acts of worship, loving kindness, fellowship and service to one another and to the wider community. 
2. Offer to God moments of hurt and misunderstanding, asking for forgiveness, reconciliation and healing. 
3. Pray for those among us who are facing significant challenges, through bereavement, ill-health or uncertain circumstances. 
4. Give thanks for green shoots of life and faith among us. 
5. Ask God to renew and replenish our wisdom and vision, and above all our love as we look ahead in faith and trust.

Here is a concluding prayer:

Father in heaven, form in us the likeness of your Son
and deepen his life within us. 
Send us as witnesses of gospel joy 
into a world of fragile peace and broken promises; 
and touch the hearts of all with your love 
that they, (and we) in turn may love one another, 
for your Love’s sake, Amen
(The Roman Missal, adapted by Angela Ashwin, The Book of a Thousand Prayers)

Carolyn Cooke


Worship this weekend

Sunday 23 March - Third Sunday in Lent

10.00     Divonne - Holy Communion with Sunday Club

(Please bring an electronic or paper copy of the Activities report to church if you can)

16.00     Gingins - Taizé Prayer Service with the Swiss parish


La Côte Church AGM

23 March at 11.30 in Divonne

The La Côte Church Annual General Meeting will take place after the service on Sunday 23 March at 11.30 in the parish room in Divonne.

Everyone is welcome to join the meeting, while those on the electoral roll can vote.

Please bring a plate of fingerfood to share after our meeting.

Please send in your apologies for the AGM to Liz Bramley.


Worship coming up

Sunday 30 March - Mothering Sunday 

Celebrating Loving Care for one another

10.00     Crassier - All-Age worship


Sunday Lunch Group on 30 March 12.00

Auberge de la Réunion, Coinsins

This month, as an exception, we will meet on Sun. 30 Mar., due to the AGM on 23 Mar. after the Divonne morning service.

Would you like to join us at our Auberge in Coinsins for lunch at 12.00 on the fourth Sunday of each month? We are offered a choice of menus at a reduced price. There are usually 12-15 of us and it's a great opportunity for a relaxed chat over lunch. Whether you just come once, or on a regular basis, you are most welcome!

Please let us know by Fri. 28th so we can book the table!


PLEASE NOTEIf you are unable to attend one of our main services but would like Holy Communion or private prayer in person, please contact Carolyn Cooke.

For any prayer requests for yourself or others, please contact Peta Tracey who will share in confidence with our Tuesday prayer group where we pray for the needs of our world and community.



Volunteer orientation session

7 April, Nyon

Coup de Main is a local community service organisation supporting refugees and asylum seekers. Many of our wonderful La Côte parishioners have been involved since it was established. We are keen to recruit additional volunteers to our team especially for 'accompanying' our beneficiaries as they integrate locally.

New volunteers will become part of an experienced and supportive team.

For more information please come along to our volunteer orientation session, click here.


Give your used eyeglasses a second life!

La Côte Anglican Church is organizing a collection of used eyeglasses (including sunglasses) during Lent and Easter (5 March-20 April 2025) and would be grateful for any contributions.

The collected eyeglasses will be given to the Lions Club of Switzerland, who collaborate with Médico Lions Clubs of France, to recondition the eyeglasses received and distribute them to patients with visual impairments in developing countries.

Please note that any contributions of eyeglass cases would also be greatly appreciated.

For further information, please see and


New requirements to enter the UK from 02.04.2025

As you may know, European and EFTA citizens (Schengen area) will require an ETA (Electronic Travel Authorisation) to enter the UK as of the 2nd April 2025. Citizens may apply for one as of the 5th March 2025.

Here are some useful links:

Apply for an electronic travel authorisation (ETA) - GOV.UK

New entry regulations for the United Kingdom | SWISS

And for UK citizens travelling to the Schengen area

IATA - New Entry Requirements for Travel into EU


Click here for more details


Coming up this week

Morning Prayer

Monday to Friday at 7.30 and Saturday at 8.30 - online

Here is the link:

Meeting ID: 843 1525 8948 - Passcode: 82966


Coming up this weekend

Another opportunity for Lenten reflection

Day of Prayer

Geneva, Saturday 22 March

Join the Ignatian Spirituality Community for a day of prayer on 22nd March at St John XXIII, 57 Rue de Montbrillant, 1202 Geneva, from 9:30 am to 4:15 pm.

This will be an opportunity to step away from our busy daily lives and open ourselves to the Word of God, using some approaches from Ignatian spirituality. For more information or to register, click here.


Click here for zoom links and other details


A La Côte playgroup in Divonne

The La Côte playgroup will open its doors in the Divonne Parish rooms on Thursday April 24th. This is a 'drop-in' playgroup open to all in the Pays de Gex, Geneva region, welcoming children from 0-4 and their care-givers. There will be further updates in the bulletin in April, but please feel free to pass on this message to anyone who may be interested.

The Playgroup Team


Recent Happenings at La Côte !

If you would like to have a look at some photographs of recent happenings at La Côte Church please go to our website


Rotas in ChurchSuite

Dear church members and volunteers,

ChurchSuite is beginning to work more smoothly, thank you to everyone for your patience and commitment.

One step that would be very helpful for Anne is that you add in your unavailabilites. Click HERE for how to do this or contact Anne.

It is very important that you check ChurchSuite on a regular basis to view when you are next serving. For further information, click HERE.


Happening elsewhere


Portes Vernissage – celebrating the bicentenary of the Temple de Ferney-Voltaire

Our local French sisters and brothers warmly invite you to attend the opening. Please let Anne know if you can go. Click HERE for more information.


Conference and Display of 16th Century Books

Tudor England and the Antwerp Book Trade:

From Tyndale to Plantin

Antwerp (BE), Tuesday 8 – Friday 11 July 2025

For more information, click here.


The Lost Food Project (combatting food waste)

Members of la Côte Church are taking part in a food bank in Nyon. Click HERE for more information. If would like to supplement our food supplies, please bring rice or pulses to our Sunday services. Thank you very much.


Work with those seeking refugee status

Mentoring opportunities and Accommodation: Please speak to Diantha Terry with any thoughts you have.

Do you have jobs that need doing? Please contact Diantha Terry.


From your safeguarding team

Your safeguarding team promotes and works towards keeping our church a safe place where our congregation can feel secure and cared for.
Safeguarding is an integral part of the wellbeing of our Church community.

We are here not only to work with you through the formalities of short training or administrative safeguarding checks but to support you in strict confidentiality if concerns relative to abuse arise.

You can count on our understanding and goodwill in all things safeguarding.

Ever Guttierez, Cate Bichara and Liz Martinez

Contact email:


For useful resources click here and scroll to 'links of interest'!

Pledging and Giving online and in person 

Many thanks as ever for your giving to the life of our church and thus to our mission and service within and well beyond our community.

Pledging gives stability to the church finances and ensures that budgets can be planned realistically. So however large or however small your commitment, please consider pledging. Contact our pledge administrator, Mark Warren ( for further details.

If you are at church without any cash but would like to give to the collection there is a solution: we have a bank or credit card reader at church to contribute to the collection using your card.

Here are the bank details for our church:

IBAN            CH42 0022 8228 5504 9740 H
Holder          The La Côte Anglican Church Development Association, 1267 Coinsins 
BIC               UBSWCHZH80A

You can also do so by scanning the QR code below


You may also like to remember La Côte Anglican Church in your will.
Merci beaucoup, thank you very much!

You can also donate by credit card by clicking here


Follow us on social media!


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