
Dear La Côte Church family and friends,

Over these last few weeks of shifting powers and unsettling news, I’ve found this ballad “The Kingdom of Jesus” by Porter’s Gate both encouraging and steadying.

“He's chosen the small things to outlast the great
The meek and the merciful to shine through the hate;
Though it seems some days that Hell and its gates are prevailing
Oh say can’t you see, the kingdom within us is the Kingdom of Jesus?”

I invite you to listen to the song, or simply to use the lyrics below as a prayer, asking for God’s Spirit to help you see the Kingdom of Jesus Christ around us and within.


To what shall we compare the Kingdom of Jesus if not a seed?
It's small, it's sewn, it's tended and grown and it's sturdy in you and me
Its branches never break and its fruit never withers

Chorus 1
His Kingdom is not of this world or of any kingdom whose ruler's face is on a penny
He comes to make all things bright and put a new wine in us.
He's chosen the small things to outlast the great
The meek and the merciful to shine through the hate;
Though it seems some days that Hell and its gates are prevailing
Oh say can’t you see the kingdom within us is the Kingdom of Jesus?

Chorus 2
His Kingdom is not of this world or of any kingdom whose ruler's face is on a penny
He comes to make all things bright and put a new wine in us.
He's chosen the small things to outlast the great
The meek and the merciful to shine through the hate;
Though it seems some days that Hell and its gates are prevailing
Oh say can't you see we have one allegiance?
It's to the Kingdom of Jesus.

Chorus 3
Oh His Kingdom is not one of slander or rage
but one that is ruled by the Lamb who was slain,
who is worthy of wisdom and honour and glory and strength.
No pain, no division, no public disgrace will compare with seeing the smile on His face as He welcomes us home as children with places at the table.
Not a death, nor threat, nor power can ever separate us
from the love of God forever in Christ Jesus.
Everything shall pass away but not the Word that's within us, it's the Kingdom of Jesus.

Jon Guerra and Sandra McCracken from Porter’s Gate

Carolyn Cooke


Christmas toiletries for our Coup de Main Food Bank partners


We are collecting the following items to offer a small Christmas gift of toiletries to our partners. We take these for granted but they are luxuries for many.
If you would like to help, we would be delighted to receive from you:
Bars of soap
Tooth paste
Tooth brushes
Please bring them to church (Divonne and Gingins) – or leave them inside Gingins porch, labelled for the Food Bank – by 8 December at the latest.


Worship coming up

Sunday 24 November - Christ the King

10.00 - Divonne - Holy Communion with Sunday Club

16.00 - Gingins - Taizé Prayer Service


Worship coming up

Sunday 1 December - Celebrating with Christingles

8.45 - Crassier - Early Said Eucharist

16.00 - Gingins - Advent Christingles for all the family


Worship during this special season of Advent and Christmas

Everyone is welcome !


PLEASE NOTEIf you are unable to attend one of our main services but would like Holy Communion or private prayer in person, please contact Carolyn Cooke.

For any prayer requests for yourself or others, please contact Peta Tracey who will share in confidence with our Tuesday prayer group where we pray for the needs of our world and community.


Click here for more details


A La Côte playgroup in Divonne

We are looking at setting up a La Côte playgroup for children aged 0-4, which would meet in Divonne once a week in term time. For further information please contact Alison Ball (alisonball200@gmail.com)


Do you have an interest in communication and social media?

We are looking to find someone who is interested in helping the church manage its communication using social media. This is a first step into how we might be able to better communicate with our community or welcome newcomers. If you are interested in helping on this, please contact Kate Shepherd kate.shepherd@lacotechurch.ch


La Côte Church calendar for 2025


A beautiful LA CÔTE CHURCH CALENDAR FOR 2025 on the theme of ‘Food in the Bible’, with photos and relevant Bible quotations, will be on sale from Sunday 10th November onwards in Divonne and Gingins churches.

PRICE: CHF 25.00 for 1 copy, CHF 20.00 each for 2 copies or more. All proceeds to our Church funds. Also suitable as a Christmas gift for family and friends.


Coming up this week

Morning Prayer

Monday to Friday at 7.30 and Saturday at 8.30 - online

Here is the link:


Meeting ID: 843 1525 8948 - Passcode: 82966


Tuesday Prayer Group - 26 November

09.15-10.30, chez J&P Tracey, 1267 Coinsins.

Come at 09.15 for a coffee before we start at 09.30 for an hour, following the Northumbria Community Morning Prayer and inserting our prayer concerns and those for whom we have been asked to pray in confidence.

You are most welcome to join us regularly or occasionally.

Please contact Peta for more details peta.tracey@lacotechurch.ch


Window on Wednesday - 27 November

Wednesday 9.30-11.30 - Gingins parish room

This term we will be using a resource from The Church Of England’s Pilgrim course. We will be delving into the challenging yet beautiful world of the Beautitudes. All are welcome to join us fortnightly on Wednesday mornings, as we share our faith and lives together along with coffee & pastries!

If you would like to join us, please contact Diantha Terry and/or Kate Shepherd.

Next date for our meeting is December 11th.


Click here for zoom links and other details


Recent Happenings at La Côte !

If you would like to have a look at some photographs of recent happenings at La Côte Church please go to our website https://www.lacotechurch.ch/recent-happening/


Rotas in ChurchSuite

Dear church members and volunteers,

ChurchSuite is beginning to work more smoothly, thank you to everyone for your patience and commitment.

One step that would be very helpful for Anne is that you add in your unavailabilites. Click HERE for how to do this or contact Anne.

It is very important that you check ChurchSuite on a regular basis to view when you are next serving. For further information, click HERE.


The Lost Food Project (combatting food waste)

Members of la Côte Church are taking part in a food bank in Nyon. Click HERE for more information. If would like to supplement our food supplies, please bring rice or pulses to our Sunday services. Thank you very much.


Happening elsewhere

Concert de l'Avent

30 November 2024

Temple de Gingins

For more information, please click here


An evening of Jazz Carols

13 December 2024

la Fraternelle, Nyon

For more information, please click here


Work with those seeking refugee status

Mentoring opportunities and Accommodation: Please speak to Diantha Terry with any thoughts you have.

Do you have jobs that need doing? Please contact Diantha Terry.


From your safeguarding team

Your safeguarding team promotes and works towards keeping our church a safe place where our congregation can feel secure and cared for.
Safeguarding is an integral part of the wellbeing of our Church community.

We are here not only to work with you through the formalities of short training or administrative safeguarding checks but to support you in strict confidentiality if concerns relative to abuse arise.

You can count on our understanding and goodwill in all things safeguarding.

Ever Guttierez, Cate Bichara and Liz Martinez

Contact email: Safeguarding@lacotechurch.ch


For useful resources click here and scroll to 'links of interest'!

Pledging and Giving online and in person 

Many thanks as ever for your giving to the life of our church and thus to our mission and service within and well beyond our community.

Pledging gives stability to the church finances and ensures that budgets can be planned realistically. So however large or however small your commitment, please consider pledging. Contact our pledge administrator, Mark Warren (mark.warren@yahoo.fr) for further details.

If you are at church without any cash but would like to give to the collection there is a solution: we have a bank or credit card reader at church to contribute to the collection using your card.

Here are the bank details for our church:

IBAN            CH42 0022 8228 5504 9740 H
Holder          The La Côte Anglican Church Development Association, 1267 Coinsins 
BIC               UBSWCHZH80A

You can also do so by scanning the QR code below


You may also like to remember La Côte Anglican Church in your will.
Merci beaucoup, thank you very much!

You can also donate by credit card by clicking here


Follow us on social media!


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