Dear members,

At the meeting of the UCI Management Committee in Zurich, Switzerland on 26 September 2024, the members examined and approved several amendments and special provisions to the UCI Regulations, on the recommendations of the UCI’s various commissions.

This special issue of the UCI Newsletter focuses on these amendments and special provisions. For further information on the aspects detailed below, please visit the UCI website.

The other main decisions taken, and measures adopted by the UCI Management Committee, were detailed in the press release published at the end of the meeting.

For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the various UCI Departments and Services directly.

David Lappartient

UCI President
IOC Member

Electrically Power Assisted Cycle (EPAC)
(Articles 1.1.035, 1.3.001bis, 1.3.010, 1.3.010bis)

Amendments are made to Articles of Part 1 of the UCI Regulations related to electrically assisted bicycles. The amendments ensure harmonisation of the UCI Regulations with technical requirements of the European standard EN15194. The amended rules also clarify that events with electrically assisted bikes shall comply with the provisions of Part 1 of the regulations, and organisational aspects shall be governed in accordance with the rules of the respective cycling disciplines. Currently, the only discipline with such regulations is mountain bike (cf. Part 4 Chapter VIII of the UCI Regulations).

Effective from 01.01.2025

Medical services
(Article 1.2.068)

Clarification on medical services available at races, in particular to the number of ambulances which must be provided by organisers.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 1.2.071)

The amendment to this Article clarifies the obligation for event organisers, for all disciplines, to provide tax certificates for the beneficiaries of prize money, i.e. riders. This addresses the difficulties encountered by riders in obtaining documentation for tax withholdings on their prizes to ensure that there is not a double taxation (taxes paid by the organiser and the rider).

Effective from 01.01.2025

Technical specifications
(Articles 1.3.013, 1.3.023)

Amendments are made to the Articles which govern various dimensions of bikes, in particular pertaining to handlebar extensions for road time trial and track endurance events. These amendments do not modify the substance of the rules but seek to clarify the wording and structure of the provisions to facilitate their interpretation.

Effective from 01.01.2025 


(Article 2.1.004)

The Article pertaining to mixed teams is modified to clarify the applicable framework for the registration of mixed teams at events in road cycling.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 2.1.005)

Inclusion of the Women Under 23 category in the list of categories at future UCI Road World Championships.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 2.2.015)

Amendment to the Article pertaining to the Event Safety Manager. Clarifications are made in respect of the requirements related to the Event Safety Manager’s qualification, disclosure in the technical guide and his/her visibility at the event.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 2.3.011)        

Amendment to the Article pertaining to identification numbers at the UCI Road World Championships to add the Women Under 23 category.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Following vehicles
(Article 2.3.023)

Amendment to the Article pertaining to the UCI Road World Championships and Olympic Games to increase the minimum number of ambulances.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 2.5.002)

Amendment to Article setting maximum distances of team time trial events. The minimum distance for Women Under 23 team time trial events is set at 50km.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 2.6.027)

Amendment to the Article which provides that, in case of an incident in the last three kilometres of a stage race, the riders involved in the incident are given the same time.  The Article is modified to clarify that the rule only applies in case of an incident involving several riders and not a crash or an incident involving one rider only.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 2.6.027bis)

A new Article is introduced to clarify the obligation for the organiser to provide equipment for taking time at three kilometres from the finish line in stage races.

Effective from 01.01.2025

 Finishing deadline
(Article 2.6.032 and 2.6.032bis)

Clarification of the Article pertaining to finishing deadlines in stage races (2.6.027) and introduction of a new Article (2.6.027bis) providing that, in case times are not taken at the finish line, the organiser may set a deadline for the riders to pass the finish line.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Scale of points
(Article 2.10.008)

Amendment of the Article which lists the scale of UCI points allocated for the events of the UCI WorldTour, to add the new event “Copenhagen Sprint” which is registered on the UCI WorldTour calendar as from 2025.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Table of race incidents relating to road events
(Article 2.12.007 (3.2)

Amendment to the table of race incidents to clarify that the provision applies to all clothing or equipment worn by riders, including helmets and other accessories.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 2.15.143)

This modification establishes the process for the Professional Cycling Council to propose the UCI WorldTour calendar each year to the UCI Management Committee for approval. The number of race days will in principle not exceed 185 days.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 2.15.147)

This modification enhances the criteria that the Professional Cycling Council will consider in their review process of applications for registration on the UCI WorldTour calendar prior to presentation of the calendar to the UCI Management Committee for approval. The amendment also clarifies procedural aspects related such review process.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Articles 2.15.171, 2.15.172, 2.15.173, 2.15.174, 2.15.201, 2.15.215)

Amendments to the Articles which govern the process in circumstances where the status of a UCI WorldTour event shall be put into question. The Professional Cycling Council shall henceforth refer situations which may justify the withdrawal of an event’s UCI WorldTour status, or the setting of conditions for maintaining such status, to the UCI Management Committee for decision.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Annex B: Discussion protocol for extreme weather conditions and rider safety during events.

Amendments are made to the protocol to enable the participation of a team doctor in the meeting of stakeholders related to extreme weather conditions or rider safety during events.


Track races - Organisation
(Article 3.1.009)

Amendment to the Article setting the maximum number of riders in events on different track lengths. The maximum number of riders on a 166m track is set at 16.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Track races – Lap counter and bell
(Article 3.2.017 bis)

Amendment to the Article related to the counting of laps and ringing of the bell. The amendment introduces a clarification on when the bell shall be rung following the regulation change of 01.08.2023 for the points race and Madison.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Track races  
(Articles 3.2.048 bis, 3.2073bis, 3.2.098bis, 3.2.108, 3.2.143bis, 3.2.153bis)

Introduction of new Articles describing how results are established when events are interrupted and cannot be completed. The Articles relate respectively to the sprint, individual pursuit, team pursuit, kilometre time trial, keirin, and team sprint.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Track races – Points race
(Article 3.2.133)

Amendment to the Article pertaining to the resumption of a race after an interruption. The modification introduces the principle that the percentage of progress of a race shall determine how results shall be established instead of set distances. The same principle is applied for the Madison.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Track races – Madison
(Article 3.2.157)

Amendment to the Article related to the organisation of Madison events. The modification introduces a qualification rule in case the number of teams exceed the limit. This follows the same principle as that applied to other track events.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 3.2.172)

Amendment to the Article pertaining to the resumption of a race after an interruption. The modification introduces the principle that the percentage of progress of a race shall determine how results shall be established instead of set distances.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Track races – Six-day races
(Article 3.2.227, 3.2.228)

Abrogation of the Article stating that a “six-day” event shall last six days because most “six-day” events on the UCI international calendar do not last six days. This is to align with the type of events being organised nowadays, offering more flexibility for the duration of such events.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Track races – Omnium
(Article 3.2.247 bis)

Amendment to the Article to avoid any confusion regarding the distances for the points race qualifying heats for the Omnium event.

(Article 3.2.252 bis)

Introduction of a new Article describing how results are established when Omnium events are interrupted and cannot be completed.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Track Rankings
(Article 3.3.001)

Amendment to the Article pertaining to the types of UCI Track Rankings. The Article now lists the different rankings which are established by the UCI.

The number of UCI Rankings shall be reduced. The individual events will be included in either the sprint or the endurance rankings. There will be no more rankings for the kilometre time trial and the individual pursuit. The structure of rankings will not have an impact on Olympic qualification, as the rankings for Olympic qualification are separate.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Track Rankings – UCI Nation Ranking
(Article 3.3.002)

The Article is modified due to the discontinuation of the UCI Track Team Ranking.

The formula for calculating the UCI Nation Ranking is modified as a result of the restructuring of the UCI Track Rankings. Modifications are made throughout the regulations to reflect these changes.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Track Rankings – UCI Track Team Ranking
(Article 3.3.002bis)

The Article related to the UCI Track Team Ranking is abrogated due to the fact that it was only used to determine the eligibility of teams for the UCI Track Nations Cup. Since teams shall no longer take part in the UCI Track Nations Cup, the ranking shall no longer be established.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Track Rankings
(Article 3.3.003)

The provision stating that competitions on the UCI International Calendar in which 50% or more of the riders per category are invited are awarded Class 2 points, is removed.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Track Rankings – UCI Individual Ranking
(Article 3.3.010)

Amendment to the Article related to the UCI Individual Ranking and points scale.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Track Rankings – Ranking for classification
(Article 3.3.012)

Amendment to the Article pertaining to the different classifications. The modifications clarify when the different classifications shall apply by providing definitions. This addresses issues related to the use of the acronym “DNF” without being able to determine if a rider has been withdrawn by the Commissaires/suffered an incident or if the rider has abandoned the race.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Track Nations Cup – Participation
(Article 3.4.004)

Amendment to the Article pertaining to participation in UCI Track Nations Cup events.

All references to the participation of teams are removed since teams shall no longer be entitled to take part in UCI Track Nations Cup events.

Right of participation is given to the top four riders at the most recent UCI Junior Track World Championships .

The minimum number of points required in the respective UCI Track Ranking to be eligible to participate in individual events are modified as a result of the changes to the UCI Track Ranking.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Articles 3.4.004 bis, 3.4.005, 3.4.007 bis, 3.4.021)

Abrogation and modification of Articles related to the participation of UCI Track Teams in the UCI Track Nations Cup since teams shall no longer be entitled to participate.

Effective from 01.01.2025

World records – General comments
(Articles 3.5.001, 3.5.005, 3.5.027)

These Articles related to world record attempts are modified to bring greater clarity regarding the applicable rules for Masters riders, the process for scheduling an attempt and the submission of forms regarding equipment.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Equipment and infrastructure - velodromes
(Article 3.6.072 bis)

The Article setting specifications for velodromes is modified to clarify the requirements related to the inner fence.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Equipment and infrastructure – Fencing
(Article 3.6.087)

The Article setting the requirements for fences in velodromes is modified to establish a minimum height of 140cm for new velodromes requesting their initial homologation on or after 01.07.2025.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Equipment and infrastructure – Homologation of velodromes
(Article 3.6.101)

The Article is modified to reference the UCI Homologation Procedure that will be published on the UCI website on 01.01.2025.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Calendar – UCI International Calendar
(Article 3.8.003)

The Article which sets requirements and restrictions for the registration of events in different levels of the UCI International Calendar is modified to remove the restriction for Class 1 events whereby no nation can represent more than 50 percent of the peloton.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Masters – Best Performances
(Article 3.9.010)

The Article is modified to extend the validation of the Best Performance to Elite National Commissaires as well as UCI International Commissaires.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Race incidents and specific infringements – Warnings and disqualification
(Article 3.10.003)

The table of race incidents is modified to clarify the offences and behaviours that shall be punished.

The modifications introduce the principle that 2 warnings within the same event or 3 warnings overall lead to disqualification for the rest of the competition.

Effective from 01.01.2025


A mountain bike reform has been discussed for 2025 and the detailed rule changes linked to this will be published soon.

Chapter 1: General rules

Category combination rules
(Article 6.1.012)

Amendments are made to clarify that the Challenge and Championship categories cannot be combined.

The provision also reduces the age (from 34 to 29) from which riders from different age groups shall be combined if there are less than five riders in a category.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Publication of heat results
(Article 6.1.040)

The Article is amended to allow for automatically-generated start lists and results to be corrected and be considered provisional until confirmed by the Commissaires’ Panel, even if already published by electronic means.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Track re-entrance
(Article 6.1.055)

The Article which relates to the situation of a rider re-entering the track is amended to clarify that a rider must complete the track and obstacles and that leaving the track can result in a relegation.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Removal of an offender from the competition venue
(Article 6.1.067)

The modification introduces the principle that the organiser of an event is responsible for removing offenders from the venue.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 6.1.073)

The Article which sets the requirements of the bicycle frame is modified to clarify that the use of wheel or tyre guards or fenders is not permitted.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 6.1.079)

The Article which governs the use of cranks, pedals and gears on riders’ bikes is modified to remove the use of multiple gears on BMX Racing bikes.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 6.1.088)

The Article which governs the use of cameras on riders’ bikes is modified to clarify the circumstances in which they may be used.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI International Elite Number System
(Article 6.1.097)

The Article related to the printing of the UCI International Elite Number on the jersey is updated to specify the location of the number on the clothing.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Chapter II – Specific rules for international events

Registration of riders
(Article 6.2.003)

The modification clarifies the items to be provided to riders at the rider confirmation (incl. accreditation, number plate, side plate).

Effective from 01.01.2025

Chapter III – Specific rules for UCI BMX Racing World Cup events

Registration of participants
(Article 6.3.005)

The modification clarifies the items to be provided to riders at the rider confirmation (incl. accreditation, number plate, side plate).

Effective from 01.01.2025

Event format
(Article 6.3.008)

Introduction of a sanction in the case of a rider who has been confirmed to take the start not taking  the start.

Effective from 01.01.2025 

Round 1
(Article 6.3.011)

Denotes the start order for riders without a ranking in round 1.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Recognition and awards
(Article 6.3.017)

In recognition of the Series leader

Effective from 01.01.2025

Chapter IV – Specific Rules for UCI BMX Racing World Challenge and Masters events

Registration of participants
(Article 6.4.005)

The amendment clarifies the items to be provided to riders at the rider confirmation (incl. accreditation, number plate, side plate).

Effective from 01.01.2025

Category combination rules
(Article 6.4.006)

The amendment clarifies that the rule for issuing the plates 1 to 8 applies to riders who competed in the main final of the previous edition of the UCI World Challenge and Masters.

The amendment also includes an addition that late entries will not be accepted.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Chapter VII – UCI BMX Racing Teams

All Articles within Chapter VII have been removed due to the fact that the status of UCI BMX Racing Teams is abrogated.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Annex 7 – Model contract between a rider and a UCI BMX Racing Team

Annex 7 has been removed due to the fact that the status of UCI BMX Racing Teams is abrogated.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Financial Obligations

All tables related to  UCI BMX Racing Teams have been removed due to the fact that the status of UCI BMX Racing Teams is abrogated.


UCI International Calendar
(Article 6bis.3.001, 6bis.3.002, 6bis.3.029)
The amendments include a change (Article 6bis.3.001) relating to the participation of riders in events which are not registered on the UCI International Calendar. The provision clarifies that the UCI may determine that specific events which are not registered shall be considered for participation by licence-holders based on legitimate grounds such as sporting integrity.

Article 6bis.3.002 is amended and 6bis3.029 is introduced in order to create the status of C2 event class for competitions that differ from the UCI Regulations.

Article 6bis.3.002 includes other amendments clarifying conditions for registration of events in HC class and requiring National Championships to be held as separate events.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Heat assignment
(Article 6bis.6.005)
Modification of the assignment of riders to different heats, now carried out according to ranking, not randomly, for certain events or series.
Effective from 01.01.2025

Warm-up duration
(Article 6bis.6.009)
The mandatory duration of 15 minutes for the warm-up has been removed.

Finishing a run
(Article 6bis.6.031)

Clarification explaining the tricks which are counted at the end of a run.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Number of participants
(Article 6bis.9.002, 6bis.9.004)

The modifications include:

  • Clarifying the method for selecting the participants (72) authorised to take part in UCI World Cup events.
  • Eliminating pre-qualification phase, providing more practice time and easier re-scheduling.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 6bis.9.010, 6bis.6.017, 6bis.9.020, 6bis.9.024,)
Deletion of the pre-qualification phase for Park competitions.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Reserve riders
(Article 6bis.10.004)
The hypothesis of reserve riders taking part in practice is deleted due to the fact that confirmation is henceforth required to take place before practice.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Regional Games
(Article 6bis.11.002)

Class 2 and Regional Games are added to the list of events on the UCI International Calendar. For Class 2 events, the best three results shall count for the ranking and no points are granted for Regional Games.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Class 2
(Article 6bis.11.005)
Class 2 events added to individual ranking taking into account the three best results .

Effective from 01.01.2025

Olympic Qualification process
(Article 6bis.11.007)

Wording clarifications are made to the Article referencing the Olympic qualification system.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Annex I UCI BMX Fresstyle ranking points table

C2 points added.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Financial Obligations

Inclusion of the new C2 category in the calendar fees.


UCI Trials World Youth Games - Participation
(Articles 7.1.002, 7.1.025, 7.3.006, 7.4.006, 7.5.002, 7.5.003)
Inclusion of new categories for girls and renaming of categories for boys and girls.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Classification and results
(Article 7.1.047)

Clarification in case of tie in quarter- or semi-finals

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Trials World Cup - Groups
(Article 7.3.008)

Clarification on the procedure for the quarter-final groups.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Trials World Cup - Standings
(Article 7.3.011)

Specification on number of UCI World Cup rounds to award UCI points.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Trials Mixed Team Competition
(Articles 7.5.001, 7.5.002, 7.5.003, 7.5.006, 7.5.008)

Wording adapted/updated: mixed team instead of National Team.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Ranking
(Article 7.6.006)

UCI ranking points updated and new points scale for new Women Junior category.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Financial Obligations

Inclusion of prize money for Women Junior category at the UCI World Championships.

Effective from 01.01.2025


Artistic cycling – Specific rules – Complement for single and pair artistic cycling
(Article 8.2.025)

Clarification added regarding the opening angle of straddles for the free support balance legs spread figure.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Artistic cycling – Explanation of figures / List of figures – Figures with both wheels on the floor
(Articles 8.3.001, 8.5.002)

Addition of three new figures with both wheels on the floor: free support balance one leg extended, free support balance legs spread, free support balance closed legs.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Artistic cycling – Explanation of figures / List of figures – Final figures
(Articles 8.3.005, 8.5.006)

Addition of one new final figure: fronthandlebarstand rev. somersault bw. hooked legs.

Modification of points value for figures 1301g and 1301h.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Artistic cycling – Evaluation – Complement for single and pair
(Article 8.4.013)

Addition to the Article to better define deviations of the upper body leg line.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Cycle-ball – Technical conditions – Jury
(Article 8.7.002)

Article updated to clarify that a cycle-ball competition shall have at least two Commissaires on the field acting with the same power: one timekeeper and a secretary.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 8.7.005)

Article abrogated.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 8.7.006)

Update to clarify how each half of a cycle-ball game should be ended.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Cycle-ball – Technical conditions – Age categories / Game time and additional playing time
(Article 8.7.045)

Clarification added about the game of decision by specifying that it should start with a neutral ball.

Effective from 01.01.2025

(Article 8.7.048)

Removal of the part explaining the procedure about how to proceed when the finishing signal is given too early or too late.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Cycle-ball – Game rule – General rules
(Article 8.8.005)

Update of the Article regarding  blocking.

Effective from 01.01.2025

UCI Financial Obligations

Increase in the Daily Allowance for UCI Indoor Cycling Commissaires from 2025

This increase aims to standardise and harmonise the allowances with those of other disciplines, ensuring equity across all specialties.

Effective from 01.01.25


Participation in UCI World Championships – Selection of participants by specialty – General provision
(Article 9.2.009)

Addition of the elimination race among the events in which outgoing UCI World and Olympic Champions may take part only if their nation is not already qualified for the UCI World Championships.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Individual road race – Under 23
(Article 9.2.013, 9.2.020)

The Article is modified to forbid the participation of Men Under 23 riders (as per art.1.1.036) who are registered with a UCI WorldTeam or UCI ProTeam from participating in the Men Under 23 category at UCI World Championships

Effective from 01.01.2025

Participation in UCI World Championships - Track
(Article 9.2.023)

Modifications are made due to the new structure of the UCI Track Rankings.

Increase in the quota of qualified riders in keirin to be in line with the sprint quotas.

Update of the qualification criteria for the kilometre time trial and individual pursuit.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Participation in UCI World Championships - Track
(Article 9.2.027bis)

Amendment to remove the condition for nations to participate in the UCI Junior Track World Championships and for riders to have a minimum number of UCI points for nations/riders to be eligible to take part in the UCI Track World Championships.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Participation - Individual road races and Individual time-trial
(Articles 9.2.11, 9.2.12, 9.2.15, 9.2.015bis, 9.2.015ter, 9.2.015quater,9.2.18, 9.2.19, 9.2.19bis, 9.2.20, 9.2.20bis)

Clarification on selection of participants by specialty, and inclusion of Women Under 23.

Trials - Categories
(Articles 9.2.057, 9.2.061)

Inclusion of new categories for Women Junior at the UCI World Championships.

Effective from 01.01.2025

Trials - Competition format - Final
(Article 9.2.059)

Clarification on the number of riders eligible to compete in the Final.

Effective from 01.01.2025


(Article 10.1.005)

The Article is modified to forbid the participation of Men Under 23 (as per art.1.1.036) riders who are registered with a UCI WorldTeam or UCI ProTeam from participating in the Men Unders 23 category at Continental Championships.

Effective from 01.01.2025


Chapter IV Medical Service at events
(Articles 13.4.012, 13.4.018, 13.4.023)

Extension of the scope of application of the Articles of Part 13 §4 to the UCI WorldTour, UCI Women’s WorldTour, UCI ProSeries, UCI Road World Championships and Olympic Games. As part of these provisions, the obligation for the event organiser to provide three ambulances applies to all these event categories.

Effective from 01.01.2025


Open categories
(Article 16.2.002)

Article abrogated as open categories no longer exist in competitions.

Effective from 01.01.25

Chapter IV UCI classification rules and regulations

Part One: General Provisions
(Articles 16.4.001, 16.4.002)

Modifications in line with updated IPC Classification Code.

Effective from 01.01.25

Part Two: Classification personnel
(Articles 16.4.004, 16.4.005, 16.4.006)

Modifications in line with updated IPC Classification Code.

Effective from 01.01.25

Part Three: Athlete evaluation
(Articles 16.4.009, 16.4.010)

Modifications in line with updated IPC Classification Code.

Effective from 01.01.25

Part Three: Classification process
(Articles 16.4.007 - 16.4.011)

Change of name for Chapter Three and amendments in line with updated IPC Classification Code.

Effective from 01.01.26

Part Four: Athlete evaluation and the Classification Panel
(Articles 16.4.014, 16.4.015, 16.4.016)

Modifications in line with updated IPC Classification Code.

Effective from 01.01.25

Part Four: Athlete evaluation and the Classification Panel
(Articles 16.4.013, 16.4.014, 16.4.016, 16.4.017)

Modifications in line with updated IPC Classification Code. Introduction of sport class status “Expired”.

Effective from 01.01.26

Part Five: Sport class not eligible (NE)
(Article 16.4.020)

Modifications in line with updated IPC Classification Code.

Effective from 01.01.26

Part Six: Protests
(Articles 16.4.022, 16.4.026)

Modifications in line with updated IPC Classification Code.

Effective from 01.01.25

Part Six: Protests
(Articles 16.4.022, 16.4.023, 16.4.024)

Modifications in line with updated IPC Classification Code and update of Article numbers.

Effective from 01.01.26

Part Seven: Misconduct during an evaluation session
(Articles 16.4.029, 16.4.030)

Modifications in line with updated IPC Classification Code.

Effective from 01.01.25

Part Eight: Medical review
(Article 16.4.032)

Change of currency from Euro to Swiss Franc to have same currency in whole regulations.

Effective from 01.01.26

Part Nine: Intentional misrepresentation
(Article 16.4.033)

Modifications in line with updated IPC Classification Code.

Effective from 01.01.26

Chapter V Para-cycling division and sport class profiles
(Articles 16.5.001, 16.5.009)

Modifications in line with updated IPC Classification Code

Effective from 01.01.25

Division: Handcycle

Update of the sport class profiles for H3, H4 and H5 based on classification research results. Athletes are able to choose between using a bicycle or a handcycle.

Please find a separate communication explaining the changes here.

Effective from 01.01.26

Chapter VII Road races
(Articles 16.7.002, 16.7.003, 16.7.004, 16.7.009, 16.7.014, 16.7.015, 16.7.016)

Distances for road races and time trials were mandatory and are now a recommendation, to allow more flexibility for organisers.

Effective from 01.01.25

Chapter VIII Track races
(Articles 16.8.003, 16.8.004)

Equal distances for men and women in the kilometre and individual pursuit events.

Effective from 01.01.25

C Class Sprint
(Articles 16.8.007 – 16.8.024)

Introduction of the sprint for C class athletes.

Effective from 01.01.25

Team sprint
(Article 16.8.027)

Inclusion of a minimum of 1 female rider per team to ensure better gender parity in teams.

Effective from 01.01.25

Scratch race
(Article 16.8.031)

Equal distances for men and women in the scratch race.

Effective from 01.01.25

Elimination race
(Articles 16.8.032-16.8.040)

Introduction of the elimination race for C class athletes.

Effective from 01.01.25

Para omnium
(Articles 16.8.016-16.8.019)

Removal of the para omnium from the regulations. With the introduction of sprint and elimination race, athletes should specialize more in endurance or sprint and will no longer participate in all events.

Effective from 01.01.25

Chapter IX World records
(Article 16.9.003)

Clarification of the recognition of world records.

Effective from 01.01.25

Chapter XIV Equipment regulations
(Articles 16.14.004, 16.14.007)

Clarification that neutral service will be provided at both UCI Para-cycling Road World Championships and rounds of the UCI Para-cycling Road World Cup.

Effective from 01.01.25

Chapter XVII Handcycle
(Article 16.17.003)

Mirrors should not be fixed to the helmet of an athlete for visibility and safety reasons.

Effective from 01.01.25

Chapter XVII Handcycle
(Article 16.17.010)

H1 athletes may use a counter pedal system to offer technical solutions that accommodate different impairments.

Effective from 01.01.25

Chapter XVII Handcycle
(Article 16.17.017)

Specifications of course length.

Effective from 01.01.25

Chapter XVIII Para-cycling Individual Ranking
(Articles 16.18.007, 16.18.008)

Correction of ranking calculation and wording.

Effective from 01.01.25

Chapter XIX Para-cycling Nations’ Ranking
(Article 16.19.002)

Clarification of wording.

Effective from 01.01.25

Chapter XX UCI Para-cycling Road World Cup
(Articles 16.20.017, 16.20.020, 16.20.021)

Athletes will be awarded a trophy or leader’s jersey even if there are not at least two athletes or nations scoring points. Athletes and nations should be rewarded for growing the sport.

Effective from 01.01.25

Chapter XXII - Paralympic Games
(Article 16.22.005)

Specifications of course length for Paralympic team relay circuit.

Effective from 01.01.25