Credit : Photo de Eran Menashri sur Unsplash
Dear La Côte Church friends and family,
Hagar, Eliezer, Jacob, Isaac, pilgrims to the Jerusalem temple, the Samaritan woman at the well – what did these people have in common? Well, they all had divine encounters at water sites.
The divine promise of blessing is a thread that runs through Old and New Testament narratives about water locations that function as places of divine encounter. The tradition that views water as the source of physical life has a spiritual parallel in which water is seen as a source and symbol of spiritual life. Psalm 46 speaks of the ‘river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High.”
There is continuity between Old and New Testament traditions that view water as the source of physical and spiritual life, a symbol of God’s healing grace flowing out in a never-ending stream. Jesus used the imagery of ‘living water’ in describing his gift of eternal life to those who receive him. Whenever we think of water, see it, drink it, experience it in myriad ways, may we also encounter God as the source of life.
Betty Talbot
Worship this week-end
Sunday 15 September - Jeûne Fédéral
8.30 Prayer walk from the cemetery carpark in Chéserex to Abbaye de Bonmont
10.30 Abbaye de Bonmont - Ecumenical celebration and a chance to welcome the new cohort of international students from the Bossey Institute
For more information, click here
A singing practice for this service will take place :
Saturday 14th September - 16.00 in the temple de Gingins
also a short practice on the Sunday - 9.30 in the abbaye de Bonmont
16.00 Gingins - Evening Prayer with no Sunday Club, continuing our theme of the precious gift of water
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Andy Mering, a much-loved member of La Côte church who died on 1 September after a long illness. Andy was someone who loved life and loved people and who cherished being a part of our community. You may well remember his strong singing voice and his love for reading in church.
A Service of Farewell and Thanksgiving will be held for him on 12 October at 14.00 in Gingins.
Please keep his partner Hugo and his close friends in your prayers at this difficult time.
Two special services coming up
Sunday 22 September - Harvest Festival
10.00 Divonne - All age worship with Holy Communion
Harvest gifts : for details, click HERE
Sunday 29 September - Choral Evensong led by Holy Trinity Choir in Geneva
16.00 Gingins – We are delighted to welcome Holy Trinity Choir to lead us in this more traditional choral evensong. Everyone is welcome to join us in worship and Anglican choral music
PLEASE NOTE - If you are unable to attend one of our main services but would like Holy Communion or private prayer in person, please contact Carolyn Cooke.
For any prayer requests for yourself or others, please contact Peta Tracey who will share in confidence with our Tuesday prayer group where we pray for the needs of our world and community.
Growing in faith and discipleship
Like trees planted along a riverbank,
with roots that reach deep into the water (Jeremiah 17:8)
If you are unable to attend a daytime group in our church, but are keen to put down deeper roots in faith, here are several options for you to explore:
Lay Learning Course – “Walking together in faith”: an online course offered by the Diocese in Europe to help develop and build your faith. Starting Tuesday 17 September at 19.30 on a fortnightly basis. Click here for more information and how to register. You can contact Mary Talbot who has just completed it, to find out more.
Spiritual tasters in French with our Swiss Pastor, Etienne Guilloud: click here to find a promising range of short courses for spiritual growth offered by the Swiss Reformed Church.
Preparation for baptism and confirmation: If you are interested in baptism or confirmation please do get in touch with Betty or Carolyn. Our Confirmation Service will take place on Sunday 27 October.
Although we do not currently have an evening Bible study and fellowship group, please let Betty or Carolyn know if you would be interested in joining a group or helping to run a group.
Coming up
Morning Prayer
Monday to Friday at 7.30 and Saturday at 8.30 - online
Here is the link:
Meeting ID: 843 1525 8948 - Passcode: 82966
Tuesday Prayer Group - 17 September
09.15-10.30, chez J&P Tracey, 1267 Coinsins.
Come at 09.15 for a coffee before we start at 09.30 for an hour, following the Northumbria Community Morning Prayer and inserting our prayer concerns and those for whom we have been asked to pray in confidence.
You are most welcome to join us regularly or occasionally.
Please contact Peta for more details peta.tracey@lacotechurch.ch
Sunday Lunch Group - 22 September
Auberge de la Réunion, Coinsins
Would you like to join us at our Auberge in Coinsins for lunch at 12.00 on the fourth Sunday of each month? We are offered a choice of menus at a reduced price. There are usually around 15 of us and it's a great opportunity for a relaxed chat over lunch. Whether you just come once, or on a regular basis, you are most welcome!
Please let us know by Fri. 20th so we can book the table! peta.tracey@lacotechurch.ch
Next dates for our Sunday lunches are Sun. 22 Sept. - Sun. 27 Oct. - Sun. 24 Nov.
Book the dates !
Saturday 28 September : Church Garden Party
Please contact Louise lburrows1972@gmail.com if you can join us

Time, Talents & Things
Saturday 26 October 2024
Grande Salle de la Colombière, Nyon
Please save the date, more details to come
Following the success of our last auction night two years ago, we are having another event. Over the coming weeks, we urge you and your families (we would love our younger ones to join in), to think about what you might be able to donate to the auction. Your time? Your Talents? Or maybe something you own?
More information will follow but please keep the date free. If you would like to help in the preparations, please contact Diantha Terry, John Ingham or Phil Clifton.
Confirmation Service
Sunday 27 October - 4pm in Crassier
Interested in exploring the Christian faith and/or baptism and confirmation?
Please contact Carolyn or Betty to discuss it with them.
A new team for Divonne Christmas Lunch?
Over the years many of you have been to the festive and convivial Christmas lunches held in Divonne and put together by members of our community. These were not only an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company but also to raise funds for local charities.
Georges Mills, who coordinated the event last year, is unable to do so this time round. We are therefore looking at putting together a fresh team of volunteers to take over. If you are interested in helping out please send an email to Anne by October 15 and let her know in what way you would like to assist. Georges is happy to make available his notes from last year and offer suggestions to the person who accepts to take on the role of coordinator/organizer.
Recent Happening at La Côte !
If you would like to have a look at some photographs of recent happenings at La Côte Church please go to our website https://www.lacotechurch.ch/recent-happening/
Rotas in ChurchSuite
Dear church members and volunteers,
ChurchSuite is beginning to work more smoothly, thank you to everyone for your patience and commitment.
One step that would be very helpful for Anne is that you add in your unaivalabilites. Click HERE for how to do this or contact Anne.
It is very important that you check ChurchSuite on a regular basis to view when you are next serving. For further information, click HERE.
The Lost Food Project (combatting food waste)
Members of la Côte Church are taking part in a food bank in Nyon. Click HERE for more information.
We are looking for volunteers to help with picking-up foods from supermarkets at the start and the end of the day. Please contact Andrea Goovaerts.
If would like to supplement our food supplies, please bring rice or pulses to our Sunday services. Thank you very much.
Happening elsewhere
Movement ministry
Pilates & Strength & Stretch Classes
starting on 23rd September
For more information, click HERE.
Ignatian Way Retreat
Saturday 5 October 2024
Château de Bossey
Transforming our Life in Christ
To enroll please email vervel10@gmail.com
Ignatian Silent Retreat
22-24 November 2024
The Ignatian Spirituality Community in Geneva invites you to join them for a three-day silent retreat in St Maurice. Click here for more information and click here to register.
The Racial Justice Conference
4 - 7 December 2024
Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, Germany
Please click HERE for more information.
We are looking for someone from La Côte to represent us at this conference. Please contact Liz Bramley if you are registering.
Work with those seeking refugee status
Mentoring opportunities and Accommodation: Please speak to Diantha Terry with any thoughts you have.
Do you have jobs that need doing? Please contact Diantha Terry.
From your safeguarding team
Your safeguarding team promotes and works towards keeping our church a safe place where our congregation can feel secure and cared for. Safeguarding is an integral part of the wellbeing of our Church community.
We are here not only to work with you through the formalities of short training or administrative safeguarding checks but to support you in strict confidentiality if concerns relative to abuse arise.
You can count on our understanding and goodwill in all things safeguarding.
Ever Guttierez, Cate Bichara and Liz Martinez
Contact email: Safeguarding@lacotechurch.ch
 Pledging and Giving online and in person
Many thanks as ever for your giving to the life of our church and thus to our mission and service within and well beyond our community.
Pledging gives stability to the church finances and ensures that budgets can be planned realistically. So however large or however small your commitment, please consider pledging. Contact our pledge administrator, Mark Warren (mark.warren@yahoo.fr) for further details.
If you are at church without any cash but would like to give to the collection there is a solution: we have a bank or credit card reader at church to contribute to the collection using your card.
Here are the bank details for our church:
IBAN CH42 0022 8228 5504 9740 H Holder The La Côte Anglican Church Development Association, 1267 Coinsins BIC UBSWCHZH80A
You can also do so by scanning the QR code below

You may also like to remember La Côte Anglican Church in your will. Merci beaucoup, thank you very much!
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